In the modern world, pain is something we often try to avoid or numb. But what if we could approach suffering from a different angle—one that allows us to grow, heal, and ultimately thrive? At Be Well with Brooke, where I integrate my qualifications in business, event management, HR, marketing, entrepreneurship, yoga, nutrition, and energetic bodywork, we explore the idea of suffering as a catalyst for transformation.

Suffering as a Teacher

Pain (discomfort), whether physical, emotional, or spiritual, is often seen as an adversary. But in reality, pain serves a deeper purpose. It’s a messenger, revealing areas of imbalance, unhealed wounds, or unmet needs. When we suffer, we’re forced to slow down and pay attention. Ignoring or avoiding it may seem easier in the short term, but over time, it creates deeper issues in the body and mind.

In my yoga and energetic bodywork sessions, I guide clients to explore discomfort through movement, breath work, and mindfulness, uncovering what the body is truly trying to communicate. By integrating nutrition and energetic practices, we address the root causes of pain and suffering, promoting holistic healing from the inside out.

The Role of Nutrition in Pain Management

Nutrition plays a vital role in managing pain. What we consume can either feed inflammation or fight it. Diets rich in anti-inflammatory foods, like leafy greens, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants, can help the body heal itself and reduce chronic pain. In contrast, processed foods, sugar, and artificial ingredients may exacerbate pain by increasing inflammation.

As a Nutrition Consultant, I work closely with clients to identify foods that may contributing to any imbalance and guide them toward nourishing choices that promote healing and balance. Small dietary changes can have a profound impact on our lifestyle.

Yoga and Energetic Bodywork for Emotional Suffering

Yoga is an incredible tool for healing not just physical pain but also emotional suffering. When we’re stuck in cycles of anxiety, stress, or grief, the body holds onto those emotions. Through yoga and energetic bodywork, we can release those stored emotions, creating space for healing.

By incorporating energetic bodywork and mindfulness techniques, I help individuals tap into the body’s energy channels, clear blockages, and restore a sense of peace. The practice of yoga offers a safe space to explore discomfort and move through it with awareness, rather than avoiding it. This allows for a deeper connection with the self and a pathway toward inner healing.

Embracing the Path to Wellness

At Be Well with Brooke, I believe in approaching pain not as something to resist, but as an opportunity to learn, grow, and heal. Suffering can be our greatest teacher when we allow ourselves to face it head-on with the right tools and support. With a foundation in business, HR, and entrepreneurship, I understand the importance of providing structure and clarity to mentor my clients. But my work in yoga, nutrition, and energetic bodywork helps me bring an even deeper perspective to wellness.

By combining these practices, I offer a holistic approach to understanding and healing pain, allowing you to move through suffering with grace and emerge stronger, healthier, and more empowered.

If you’re ready to explore your own journey of healing, whether through yoga, nutrition, or energetic bodywork, I invite you to connect with me and take the first step toward wellness.

With a heart centred in gratitude and openness, I delight in exploring and expanding, and I find immense joy in sharing these reflections with others who are also seeking profound connections within themselves and this journey. - Brooke

A certified E-RYT500 (Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher) with Yoga Alliance, Brooke’s training includes 200-hour Vinyasa YTT, 100-hour Yin and Trauma-Informed Yoga, and 300-hour Yoga Psychology. Her qualifications extend to Usui Reiki Master, Intuitive BodyWork Practitioner, and a diploma in Nutrition. She holds a Bachelor of Business with a major in Event Management, which was where her entrepreneurial journey began.

Brooke is passionate about collaborating with others interested in hosting retreats and events, leveraging her expertise in retreat and event planning. If you’re seeking to de-stress and reconnect with your radiant self, Brooke offers personalized 1:1 appointments. Feel free to reach out via email to begin your journey towards alignment and well-being.


I am glad you’ve found your way here. Listen below as I share with you a snippet of my journey thus far. I hope that you are inspired, just like I was.


Brooke has been featured on Channel Nine’s The Today Show, recognized in ‘Top 20 Under 30’ for Micenet Magazine, spoken at events, ran international retreats and lead teen programs and corporate groups throughout Australia and Indian Pacific region.

Some of the places and people I’ve had the privilege of working with:

  • Channel Nine’s The Today Show alongside Dave Pow Tabain, Australia

  • BlueEarth Coaches Conference NSW, Australia

  • Wagga Calvary Hospital Rehabilitation Centre

  • Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network, Wagga, NSW

  • Tullibigeal Central Schoolm, NSW (YRS K-12)

  • Central Coast Fired Up Fitness Teens Program, NSW

  • Wagga Multicultural Council Trauma Informed Yoga for Refugees

  • Wagga Wagga Juvenile Correctional Centre

  • Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network (staff wellbeing), Wagga, NSW

  • Intereach NDIS and Carers Support Groups, NSW

  • RYPEN Youth Leadership Camp by Wagga Rotary

  • ‘Soulfully Women’ Empowerment Event, ACT, NSW

  • Miss Wagga Wagga Quest (Junior Entrants Mindfulness), Wagga

  • Wagga Womens Health Centre

  • Kooringal High School Youth Frontiers Program, NSW

  • Power of Now Oasis, Sanur, Bali, Indonesia

  • The Rice Joglo (Yoga Teacher), Bali, Indonesia

  • ‘High Vibes’ Womens Empowerment Event, NSW

  • Australian Red Cross Trauma-Informed Yoga, Wagga Wagga, NSW

  • Darshwana Bali Goddess Retreats, Bali, Indonesia

  • SaltBush Stretch Womens Retreat, Griffith, NSW, Australia

  • Wagga Crow Awards ‘Young Entrepreneur’ Finalist

  • Wagga Crow Awards ‘Best New Business’ Finalist

  • Wagga Autism Support Groups

  • Kapooka Defence Community, Wagga, NSW

  • RAAF Base Community, Wagga, NSW, Australia

  • Wagga Wagga City Council (Womens Health Week)

  • Soulful Stretch & Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network Bushfire Recovery Classes in conjunction with Courabyra Wines, Tumbarumba, NSW

  • Tumbarumba Gym, Sunday Group Class Facilitation, NSW

  • Collective Gym Children’s ‘Loving Me Mindfully’ Workshops’, Central Coast, NSW

“I have done numerous workshops, events, treatments etc with Brooke and they have all been incredible. Brooke has a calming, nurturing, kind and peaceful presence about her that you feel you’ve known her for years straight away.”

— Benita, NSW