5 Things To Help New Habits Stick

Starting new habits is exciting, but maintaining them can be challenging. Whether you’re aiming to eat healthier, exercise more, or practice mindfulness, consistency is key. Here are five effective strategies to help your new habits stick:

1. Start Small and Be Specific

When setting new habits, it’s tempting to aim for big, transformative changes. However, starting small and being specific increases the likelihood of success. Instead of committing to a daily hour-long workout, start with a 10-minute walk each day. Instead of overhauling your entire diet, begin by adding one serving of vegetables to your dinner.

Example: Instead of saying, “I will eat healthier,” try, “I will eat a piece of fruit with my breakfast every morning.”

2. Create a Routine

Consistency is crucial for forming new habits. Incorporate your new habit into your daily routine to make it feel like a natural part of your day. Choose a specific time or trigger for your habit, such as after brushing your teeth, during lunch breaks, or before bed.

Example: If you want to start meditating, do it right after you wake up or just before you go to bed.

3. Track Your Progress

Monitoring your progress can be incredibly motivating. Use a journal, app, or calendar to track your daily achievements. Seeing your streak grow will encourage you to keep going, and it provides a tangible record of your commitment and progress.

Example: Use a habit-tracking app or a simple calendar to mark off each day you successfully complete your new habit.

4. Find Accountability

Having someone to share your goals with can provide extra motivation and support. Find a friend, family member, or online community with similar goals. Share your progress and challenges with them, and celebrate each other’s successes.

Example: Join a local or online group focused on your new habit, such as a running club, book club, or wellness group. A 30-day duration creates a commitment to your goals.

5. Reward Yourself

Positive reinforcement can help cement new habits. Reward yourself when you reach certain milestones. The reward doesn’t have to be big—just something that makes you feel good and acknowledges your effort.

Example: Treat yourself to a relaxing bath, a favorite snack, or an episode of your favourite TV show after completing a week of your new habit.


Forming new habits takes time, patience, and persistence. By starting small, creating a routine, tracking your progress, finding accountability, and rewarding yourself, you can increase your chances of making your new habits stick. Remember, it’s okay to stumble along the way. What’s important is getting back on track and continuing your journey toward a healthier, happier you.


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