Discernment: Understanding the Difference Between Judgment and Opinion

Discernment is an essential skill that helps us navigate life’s complexities with clarity and wisdom. It involves making thoughtful and informed decisions, often by distinguishing between different types of thoughts and feelings. One of the key areas where discernment is particularly valuable is in understanding the difference between judgment and opinion. Let’s explore these concepts and how to practice discernment in our daily lives.

What is Discernment?

Discernment is the ability to perceive, understand, and evaluate situations or information accurately. It involves critical thinking, intuition, and emotional intelligence. Practicing discernment helps us make decisions that align with our values and the best interests of ourselves and others.

Judgment vs. Opinion

Judgment and opinion are often used interchangeably, but they have distinct meanings:


Definition: Judgment involves forming an assessment or conclusion about someone or something, often in a way that is final and definitive. It can carry a sense of authority or finality.

Characteristics: Judgments are typically more rigid and can imply a sense of superiority or condemnation. They often close the door to further discussion or understanding.

Example: “She is a lazy person because she didn’t finish her work on time.”


Definition: An opinion is a personal belief or view about a particular topic. It is subjective and based on individual perspectives and experiences.

Characteristics: Opinions are more flexible and open to change. They invite dialogue and can be shared without implying finality or absolute truth.

Example: “I think she might have been too tired to finish her work on time.”

The Importance of Discernment

Practicing discernment allows us to navigate the space between judgment and opinion with wisdom and empathy. Here are some reasons why discernment is important:

1. Promotes Understanding: Discernment encourages us to seek deeper understanding rather than making hasty judgments. This leads to more compassionate and informed interactions.

2. Encourages Open-mindedness: By distinguishing between judgment and opinion, we remain open to different perspectives and new information, fostering personal growth and learning.

3. Reduces Conflict: Discernment helps us communicate our thoughts and feelings in a way that is respectful and considerate, reducing the likelihood of misunderstandings and conflicts.

4. Enhances Decision-making: With discernment, we can make better decisions by evaluating situations more thoroughly and considering multiple viewpoints.

Practicing Discernment

Here are some practical tips for cultivating discernment in your daily life:

1. Pause and Reflect: Before forming a judgment or opinion, take a moment to reflect. Ask yourself what information you have and whether it’s sufficient to draw a conclusion.

2. Seek Understanding: Try to understand the situation or person fully. Ask questions, listen actively, and consider different perspectives before making an assessment.

3. Separate Facts from Feelings: Be aware of your emotions and how they influence your thoughts. Aim to distinguish between objective facts and your subjective feelings or biases.

4. Be Open to Change: Recognize that your opinions and judgments can change with new information and experiences. Stay open-minded and willing to revise your views.

5. Communicate Mindfully: When sharing your thoughts, express them as opinions rather than judgments. Use language that invites dialogue and understanding.

Discernment Through the Ajna Chakra

Chakras are energy centres that correlate with various regions of the body and emotions. Each chakra has different characteristics relative to an individuals overall wellbeing. When practicing discernment through the Ajna Chakra, we approach decision-making and judgments with heightened intuition, clarity, and insight.

Here’s how this manifests:

1. Intuitive Clarity:

Discernment through the Ajna Chakra involves trusting our intuition and inner guidance. It allows us to see situations clearly and make decisions based on deeper understanding rather than surface-level perceptions.

Example: Instead of making a snap judgment about a person based on appearance, we intuitively sense their true nature and potential.

2. Perceptive Insight:

The Ajna Chakra enhances our ability to perceive underlying truths and patterns. This insight helps us make informed decisions that align with our higher purpose.

Example: In a complex situation, we can discern the root cause of issues and address them effectively, rather than just treating symptoms.

3. Higher Wisdom:

Discernment from the third eye chakra taps into our higher wisdom, allowing us to make choices that are aligned with our spiritual path and greater good.

Example: When faced with a moral dilemma, we use our inner wisdom to choose a path that reflects our highest values and integrity.

4. Imaginative Vision:

The Ajna Chakra stimulates our imagination and vision, helping us envision potential outcomes and make decisions that create positive future possibilities.

Example: Before starting a new project, we visualize its success and plan steps that will lead to its realization, guided by our creative insights.

Practicing Discernment with Ajna Chakra

Here are some practices to align discernment with the Ajna Chakra:

1. Third Eye Meditation:

Engage in meditation focusing on the third eye area. Visualize an indigo light between your eyebrows, radiating clarity and insight. Reflect on decisions or judgments you need to make, allowing your intuition to guide you.

2. Intuition Exercises:

Practice exercises that strengthen your intuition, such as predicting outcomes, using oracle cards, or paying attention to gut feelings. These practices help develop your intuitive discernment.

3. Journaling:

Keep a journal to record your intuitive insights and reflections. Writing helps clarify your thoughts and enhances your ability to discern with greater insight.

4. Mindful Observation:

Practice mindful observation, paying attention to details and patterns in your environment. This sharpens your perceptive abilities and helps you see beyond the obvious.

5. Visualization Practices:

Engage in visualization practices that stimulate your imaginative vision. Visualize positive outcomes and explore different scenarios in your mind, guided by your inner wisdom.


Discernment is a valuable skill that enhances our ability to navigate life’s complexities with wisdom and empathy. By understanding the difference between judgment and opinion, we can communicate more effectively, make better decisions, and foster more meaningful connections. Practice discernment in your daily life, and watch as your interactions and decisions become more thoughtful and compassionate.

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