Struggling to Keep Up? 5 Sneaky Mistakes That Harm Your Productivity (and How to Get More Done with More Energy!)

We’ve all been there—racing against the clock, juggling endless tasks, and somehow still feeling like we’re falling behind. No matter how hard we work, the to-do list never seems to shrink, and exhaustion becomes a constant companion. The truth is, being busy doesn’t always mean being productive. Sometimes, the habits and routines we think are helping us are actually the ones holding us back.

I once recieved a message from a social media follower “How do you have so much energy and have time to incorporate all these things into your day and still do it all?” and at the time the answer to this was foreign to me. In the sense that my current lifestyle didn’t actually feel that way at all. It was easy and simple. I. created a lifestyle that enabled me to live the way that was best for me. Is it perfect? No. Is it exactly how I want it? Yes and No. It’s a work in progress and for that I enjoy it even more. As long as the foundation is there, you enjoy your wellness practices, whether that be a weekly or daily gym session or meal prep Sundays or daily breath-work … the choice is yours.

If you’re feeling like you’re struggling to keep up, it might be time to take a closer look at some sneaky mistakes that could be draining your energy and sabotaging your productivity. In this post, we’ll explore five common traps that hinder your progress—and, more importantly, how to fix them to boost your energy, reclaim your time, and actually get more done (with less effort).

1. Mistake: Multitasking Madness

I was once so confused about this as I was told “multi-task, multi-task, multi-task, as if it was a great skill to embody. However, contrary to that belief (in which I now have to “unlearn”, it can wreak havoc on your health (and mind)). Multitasking is often glorified as a superpower, but in reality, it’s more like a productivity kryptonite. When we attempt to juggle multiple tasks at once, our brains are forced to constantly switch between them, which reduces focus and increases the time it takes to complete anything. Instead of doing one thing well, we end up doing many things poorly.

How to Fix It:

Practice single-tasking by focusing on one task at a time. Break your work into focused blocks (try 15- or 60-minute increments) with short breaks in between. Not only will you be more efficient, but you’ll also reduce mental fatigue and feel more energised throughout the day. Personally, growing up on a family farming property (and more so in my later years, this challenged me and also made me be more mindful of it, thanks to the yoga).

2. Mistake: Saying “Yes” to Everything

Do you find yourself constantly overcommitting? Many of us struggle with the habit of saying “yes” to every request, project, or event, thinking that being available for everyone will help us achieve more. However, spreading yourself too thin actually dilutes your energy and effectiveness, leading to burnout and frustration.

How to Fix It:

Learn the power of saying “no” and setting boundaries. Be selective with your commitments and prioritize tasks that align with your goals and values. By focusing on fewer things, you’ll have more time and energy to dedicate to what truly matters—both in work and life.

3. Mistake: Skipping Breaks and Pushing Through Fatigue

When deadlines are looming, it’s tempting to push through exhaustion and skip breaks in an effort to get more done. But the longer you work without a rest, the more your energy and concentration deplete, resulting in mistakes, slower progress, and burnout. Overworking actually makes you less productive in the long run.

How to Fix It:

Take regular, intentional breaks. Try the Pomodoro Technique (25 minutes of focused work followed by a 5-minute break) or go for a short walk to clear your mind and refresh your energy. Remember, rest isn’t a reward; it’s an essential part of staying productive.

4. Mistake: Tackling the Easy Tasks First

It’s tempting to start the day with the simple, easy-to-check-off tasks, thinking that getting them out of the way will create momentum. But what happens is that by the time you get to your more challenging or important tasks, your energy and focus have dwindled, making it harder to tackle the big things effectively.

How to Fix It:

Start your day by tackling your most important or difficult tasks first—what’s often called the “Eat the Frog” approach. This way, you use your freshest energy for the most impactful work. Once the big tasks are out of the way, the rest of the day feels lighter, and you’ll feel a greater sense of accomplishment.

5. Mistake: Not Prioritising Your Wellbeing

One of the sneakiest mistakes that harm productivity is neglecting self-care. If you’re constantly tired, stressed, or overwhelmed, your ability to focus and perform at your best is compromised. Skipping meals, skimping on sleep, and working through stress all take a toll on your energy and productivity.

How to Fix It:

Prioritize your physical and mental wellbeing. This means getting enough sleep, eating nourishing meals, staying hydrated, and incorporating movement and mindfulness into your daily routine. Even small changes, like starting your day with a 5-minute meditation or a quick stretch, can boost your energy levels and sharpen your focus.

How to Get More Done (With More Energy!)

By recognizing these common productivity pitfalls and making simple adjustments to your habits, you can free up time, boost your energy, and reduce overwhelm. Here are a few additional tips to maximize your productivity without feeling burned out:

Plan your day the night before. Write down your top 3 priorities for the next day before going to bed. This helps you hit the ground running in the morning, without wasting time figuring out where to start.

Batch similar tasks. Group similar tasks (like responding to emails or making phone calls) together so you can stay in one mode of thinking and get more done in less time.

Create boundaries with technology. Set limits on how often you check your phone, emails, or social media throughout the day. Constant distractions drain your energy and pull you out of a productive flow.

Celebrate small wins. Acknowledge and reward yourself for the progress you make, no matter how small. Celebrating wins helps you stay motivated and energized for the next challenge.

Conclusion: Work Smarter, Not Harder

Productivity isn’t about cramming more into your day; it’s about working smarter, not harder. By being mindful of these sneaky mistakes and making simple changes to your routine, you’ll find that you have more energy, more focus, and more time to do what you truly enjoy. Life doesn’t have to be a constant race to keep up—sometimes, it’s about slowing down, making intentional choices, and creating space for the things that matter most.

So, are you ready to get more done with more energy? Take it one step at a time, and remember: productivity is about progress, not perfection!​

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