Acceptance: Learning how to integrate and embody the acceptance cycle

The cycle of acceptance typically refers to the emotional process through which individuals come to accept and integrate challenging or distressing experiences into their lives.

You may have become aware of your own experiences riding the wave of the acceptance cycle stages:

1. Awareness (Pratyahara): The first stage involves becoming aware of the challenging situation, emotion, or reality that needs acceptance. This awareness may arise from introspection, feedback from others, or life circumstances.

2. Resistance (Kleshas): Initially, there is often resistance or denial (obstacles) towards the experience. This resistance can manifest as avoidance, anger, frustration, or attempts to change or control the situation.

Cycle of Acceptance: Resistance in the cycle of acceptance mirrors the kleshas in yoga philosophy. It represents our instinctive reaction to avoid or deny challenging experiences, leading to suffering and mental agitation.

3. Exploration and Understanding (Svadhyaya): As resistance begins to soften, individuals may start exploring the underlying causes, meanings, or implications of the experience. This stage involves introspection, seeking support, and gaining insights into one’s emotions and reactions.

4. Acknowledgment (Santosha): Acknowledgment is the active recognition and acceptance of the reality or emotion without judgment or denial. It involves embracing the experience as part of one’s journey and recognizing its impact on personal growth.

5. Integration (Sankalpa and Dharana): Integration entails incorporating the accepted experience into one’s life narrative and identity. This stage involves finding meaning, learning lessons, and making adjustments in attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors based on the experience.

6. Adaptation (Vairagya and Abhyasa): Finally, adaptation involves moving forward with a renewed sense of acceptance and resilience. It includes applying lessons learned from the experience to navigate future challenges with greater understanding and equanimity.

Benefits of the Cycle of Acceptance:

Emotional Resilience: Acceptance fosters emotional resilience by reducing the internal struggle and promoting adaptive coping strategies.

Personal Growth: Going through the cycle promotes self-awareness, learning, and personal development.

Improved Relationships: Accepting oneself and others enhances empathy, understanding, and healthier interpersonal dynamics.

Reduced Stress: Letting go of resistance and accepting reality can alleviate stress and promote mental well-being.


The cycle of acceptance is a transformative process that involves acknowledging, understanding, and integrating challenging experiences into one’s life with compassion and openness. By embracing this cycle, individuals can cultivate resilience, foster personal growth, and enhance their overall well-being.


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