Blindfold Yoga, what an experience!

2016, Wanderlust Festival

Blindfold Yoga at the Summit: Brooke's Transformative Experience with Elena Brower on Mt. Kosciuszko

Nestled within the serene expanse of the Snowy Mountains, Mt. Kosciuszko stands as the highest peak in Australia. It was atop this majestic summit that I embarked on a unique and deeply transformative journey—blindfold yoga with one of my key role models, the highly acclaimed yoga teacher, Elena Brower.

A Unique Experience with Elena Brower

Elena Brower, New York-based Yoga Teacher, Mother and best-selling Author, known for her profound insights and gentle yet powerful teaching style, has been a guiding light for many in the yoga community, including myself. Participating in a session with Elena is always a profound experience, but this particular session, held at the apex of Mt. Kosciuszko, was different. The addition of blindfolds to the practice introduced an entirely new dimension, something that I (knew to my yoga career, back then) had not experienced.

The Setting: Mt. Kosciuszko

The journey to the top of Mt. Kosciuszko is not just a physical ascent but a symbolic one as well. The mountain, with its breathtaking vistas and tranquil atmosphere (including the playing of the Didgeridoo), provided the perfect backdrop for a practice that is both grounding and elevating. Brooke and Elena, alongside a large group of dedicated yogis, ascended the mountain with a shared intention—to explore the depths of their practice through the removal of one of their primary senses.

The Practice: Blindfold Yoga

Blindfold yoga removes the sense of sight, compelling practitioners to delve deeper into their inner world. This heightened focus on internal cues and bodily sensations aligns closely with the yoga principle of Pratyahara.

Pratyahara: The Art of Sensory Withdrawal

Pratyahara, the fifth limb of Patanjali’s Eight Limbs of Yoga, is often referred to as the practice of withdrawing from the senses. It serves as a bridge between the external and internal practices of yoga, guiding practitioners from the physical to the meditative. By removing visual stimuli, blindfold yoga facilitates a profound state of Pratyahara, allowing practitioners to turn their awareness inward.

The Wellness Benefits of Blindfold Yoga

1. Enhanced Sensory Awareness: With sight removed, other senses become more acute. Practitioners often report a heightened sense of touch, balance, and spatial awareness.

2. Improved Balance and Coordination: Without visual cues, the body learns to rely more on proprioception, the internal sense of where the body is in space. This can lead to improved balance and coordination over time.

3. Deepened Focus and Concentration: The absence of visual distractions encourages a deeper level of concentration and mental clarity, essential components of a meditative state.

4. Emotional Release and Self-Discovery: Blindfold yoga can bring about a deep sense of vulnerability, leading to emotional release and a deeper understanding of one’s inner landscape.

5. Enhanced Mind-Body Connection: With a focus on internal sensations, practitioners often experience a stronger connection between mind and body, facilitating a more mindful and intentional practice.

Brooke’s Transformative Journey

For Brooke, practicing blindfold yoga with Elena Brower was a profoundly transformative experience. The absence of visual input allowed her to connect more deeply with her inner self, facilitating moments of profound insight and emotional release. The majestic surroundings of Mt. Kosciuszko amplified this experience, grounding her practice in the beauty and tranquility of nature.


Blindfold yoga, especially when practiced in such a serene and awe-inspiring setting, offers a unique opportunity to deepen one’s practice and connect more profoundly with the principles of yoga. For Brooke, this session with Elena Brower atop Mt. Kosciuszko was not just a yoga practice but a journey of self-discovery and transformation. By embracing the principles of Pratyahara, practitioners can find new depths in their practice, leading to a more profound sense of wellness and inner peace. Join Brooke for her upcoming blindfold yoga class at the ‘A Pratyahara Immersion’ in Winter and Spring amidst the lush surrounding and mountain views of FigTree Retreat here.

2016, Wanderlust Festival


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