From Shearing Shed to Serene Sanctuary

image shot at FigTree Retreat


Title: From Shearing Shed to Serene Sanctuary: The Journey of Building Our Rustic-Luxury Yoga Shala

Nestled amidst the rolling hills of our family farm in NSW Australia, a humble shearing shed stood weathered by time, its corrugated iron walls echoing the stories of generations past. Little did we know that this rustic relic would soon be reborn as a haven of tranquility and renewal, a sanctuary where souls could gather to find peace, connection, and inner harmony.

This journey began with a vision fuelled by a deep love for yoga and a desire to share its transformative power with others. Inspired by the rugged beauty of my surroundings and guided by a spirit of creativity and innovation, we set out to breathe new life into the old shearing shed, transforming it into a rustic-luxury yoga shala that would honor the land and its heritage while providing a sanctuary for modern-day seekers.

The refurbishment process was a labor of love, as we worked tirelessly to preserve the shed's rustic charm while infusing it with touches of elegance and comfort. Weathered timber beams were lovingly restored, revealing the rich patina of years gone by, while the earthy scent of freshly cut and locally-sourced wood mingled with the sweet fragrance of wildflowers that danced in the breeze.

As the transformation took shape, our vision began to crystallize before my eyes. The once barren interior of the shearing shed was now a luminous space (after removing the dust and cob webs of course!) bathed in natural light, with soaring ceilings and panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. Soft, earthy tones and natural materials adorned the glamping bathrooms walls, creating a sense of warmth and intimacy that embraced all who entered.

But it was not just the physical space that underwent a metamorphosis; it was the energy, the essence of the place itself. With each nail hammered and each brushstroke applied, we infused the shala with intention and love, imbuing it with a sacredness that transcended the material realm. It became a vessel for healing, a portal to the divine, a refuge for weary souls seeking solace and renewal.

Today, our rustic-luxury yoga shala stands as a testament to the power of vision, dedication, and collaboration. It is a place where the past and the present converge, where tradition meets innovation, and where the spirit of yoga weaves its magic into the fabric of our lives.

There is still greater plans underway and the internal space of the shed has a journey of its own ..

However, as we open our doors to fellow seekers and kindred spirits from near and far, we invite you to join us on this journey of discovery and transformation. We will meet you where you are and we hope you enjoy where this unique venue has come thus far!

Step into our sanctuary, breathe in the scent of wildflowers and timber, and let the beauty of the land and the wisdom of yoga guide you home to yourself.

Whether you seek solace, inspiration, or simply a moment of peace amidst the chaos of life, our rustic-luxury yoga shala welcomes you with open arms. Come, immerse yourself in the beauty of the land, the warmth of community, and the timeless wisdom of yoga. Your journey of self-discovery and renewal awaits.

If you're ready to embark on this journey with us, we invite you to contact us today to learn more about our offerings and reserve your spot in our upcoming retreats and workshops. Until then, may you find beauty in the journey, and may your heart be filled with peace, joy, and endless possibility.

Visit the venue here.


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